March 2025 

Happy Women's History month to all, test dummies, submissives, and admirers!  I want to explore the odds of you being able to resist time distortion trance, or whether you'll get lucky to slip into mindless bliss. I'll be expecting you.

This year has been off to an intense start, with Me melting your mind and now the rebirth that the changing seasons bring. You've been searching for someone to sink for, to guide you through the depths of FemDom service, and you've come to the right place. 

The year continues with celebrations amidst the winter settling in, nearly freezing things in it's place. While My monarchy and control aligns within the BNWO, those who serve Me know what a special time this is and take pleasure in ensuring their service is up to My expectations. Fitting as this is the month that celebrates the power and grace of within Womxn's History and Sensuality- My mind and natural dominance radiate as I grace you with My presence on screen. Although as the years swirls along, My priority will be in-person and in the dungeon. During this month of March, I crave the intensity of control and the rush of watching you sink into your most vulnerable state. That in itself is so erotic. My sweet voice guides you into your natural, inferior place turning words and discipline into the sweetest taboo. Both My darling drones and submissive admirers bask in My glow and mesmer as I continue to drain their eager minds into mush. 

- ♟️

Tick, tock beta drop. 

Tick, tock. Both your mind and body fall into rhythm for Me. All while being bound and mindless under My controlling eye.


Spring Tours

This month of March, leather fetishists and dollification drones take priority. Especially eager for erotic hypnosis drones and admirers of nylons. 

St. Louis, MO

May 9 - May 12, 2025

Chicago, IL

June 5 - June 10, 2025

EUROPE - Italy, Portugal, and Greece    FMTY ONLY

July - September, 2025 

Currently accepting FMTY for the remainder of the year, with Chicago, NYC , San Diego and San Francisco as priority. 

Fetish Audios + Videos

All of the intensity of trance can be found in The Deepener Zone The Deepener Zone, where submission is expected and slipping into a trance in inevitable. September is a special month for drones as personalized erotic audios are given to the best test dummies. 

To order a custom clip visit IWC or contact Me. 

This website contains content of a sexually explicit nature. If you are under the age of 18, please exit now. The posts and pages within are intended for adults only and may include scenes of sexual content, suggestive pictures, or graphic violence. 

Monarch Blix is a Professional BDSM Dominatrix and continuing Hypnotist licensure credentials. [IL, IN, CA]. 2024. Indianapolis-area based. All content is DMCA protected. You do not have permission to download, sell, or redistribute any content or images on this website or external links. No illegal services are offered or implied. Reader discretion is advised. I do not session with anyone under 21 years of age.