The Lifestyle

My exploration into the world of female domination was intimately initiated inside the bedroom, but I have always considered to be a dominant woman. I embrace the qualities of womanhood that society tries to control, I enjoy taking up space amidst the patriarchy, and surrounding Myself with those who agree. I thrive I move and speak with careful consideration and intent, some called me hypnotic even before I fully embraced my own divinely Dominant energy. A firm believer in the divine feminine energy, I seek to share this exchange with every individual I come across. I have been in the lifestyle for six years, which continued after my introduction to erotic hypnosis. While I enjoy the rush of the whip, the sounds of whimpers and moans from my consenting abductees, being adorned in fetish wear, there are joys outside of the playspace. Stretching my legs after a long day over human furniture, ensuring chores and tasks are completed to my liking, and even conversation on psychology and sex are just as rewarding.   

I'm grateful and thrive on daily living being eased by drones and subs. Both in and outside of fantasy space, the goal has always been to aid in supporting a Woman's pleasures and comforts. Communication and enthusiastic interest in eroticism are what excite me and what I expect in D/s dynamics. Through domination, I can tap into My devious passions and indulge in the fantasies female supremacy can offer. Twenties is the age for exploration and challenging norms. Wouldn't you be honored to witness and embark the journey with Me? Let's see how deep the femdom rabbit hole goes. 

Creating submissive headspace where I can watch you sink into your deepest desires...that feeling is like no other. I enjoy creating and deepening a bond where W/we can slowly build to your breaking point, and the bliss that transpires in this place. 

My Personal Pleasures

How I best enjoy discipling My drones

Variations in Dominance & Style

Traditional Femdom

Classic female domination and femme supremacy. I am a disciplinarian, corruptor, and (always) a whimsical sadist. I will control you while allowing the pleasures of training and protocol. I want to test your limits, fully control you, explore the cathartic release of pain. Find purpose in BNWO. Submission is expected, especially when paired with corporal punishment, degradation, domestic servitude and edge play. 

Lifestyle Femdom 

Daily practice and devotion of female supremacy. Playful, subtle dominance, though still sadistic. Ownership is earned. Service and strengthening the D/s dynamic through protocol and "vanilla"-centric tasks. Betas are eager to attend to My daily needs. Submission is expected and explored, especially paired with domestic servitude, behavior modification, and financial freedom under My control. 

Therapeutic-Fantasy Femdom

Unorthodox therapist & corrupting psychologist. Using beta minds and physique to test and research methods of femdom corruption. Intense brainwashing and predicaments to toy with beta limits. Seductive calculations & manipulations. Submission is expected & tested, especially when paired with hypnosis, medical fetish fantasy play, breath control and other various methods to induce excellent beta results. 

Romantic Femdom

Indulging in the sensual and intensely devotional aspect of female domination. The femme fatale of the hidden perverse fantasies. Pain is beautiful, and intimacy grows as you suffer. Yet, nurturing betas through this pleasurable process. Corruption can be so sweet, just sink. Submission is expected, but I prefer to seduce to destroy. Betas can experience sensory play, worship, devotional rituals, and most D/s outings. 


Protocol is the process of rules and pre-determined behaviors within the D/s (Dominant/submissive) BDSM dynamic to ensure acceptable behavior is carried out by the submissive. It is also a point of reference for both Domme and submissive to maintain both in and outside of the scene or play headspace. For example, submissives should expect both eye and speech restrictions upon greetings. The serene ritual of preparing My implements for play, and cleaning procedures. Also certain gestures, items, and sounds amidst other routines. It is through O/our carefully curated protocol that makes time together much more meaningful. 

The Monarchy

My honorifics are Monarch, not Miss. Not Mistress. Not Goddess. Even though those are wonderful titles, and though a certain submissive may have earned intimate honorifics, I am to be called Monarch Blix. 

A Monarch is "one who solely reigns over an empire with total power", and that is exactly what I accomplish in and out of scene. I am a supporter of Black Femme Supremacy and follow the guidance of divine feminine energy. From My beautiful, rich skin and voice, to the painful pleasures and exhilarating freedom of complete restriction, you'll understand how easy it is to fall in line. Protocol is essential to maintaining this wonderful dynamic, and luckily you have a Monarch to guide you on this journey into the darkest fantasies. 

Hypnosis Disclaimer

Hypnosis recordings and services are NOT meant to replace medical, psychological, or federally-approved therapeutic treatment or consultation.  If you have a serious medical condition, please consult with your physician.  Ask about hypnosis and work with your physician to choose the right treatments for you. 

I am currently continuing the completion of my education and licensure in hypnotist in the states of Illinois and Indiana. I practice hypnosis purely for recreational enjoyment, though My passion for learning has led me to wanting to master and perfect this craft. All those engaging in the erotic hypnosis (mesmer/mindfuck/mental domination) services consent and are aware this is to enhance O/our play and protocol. 

This website contains content of a sexually explicit nature. If you are under the age of 18, please exit now. The posts and pages within are intended for adults only and may include scenes of sexual content, suggestive pictures, or graphic violence. 

Monarch Blix is a Professional BDSM Dominatrix and continuing Hypnotist licensure credentials. [IL, IN, CA]. 2024. Indianapolis-area based. All content is DMCA protected. You do not have permission to download, sell, or redistribute any content or images on this website or external links. No illegal services are offered or implied. Reader discretion is advised. I do not session with anyone under 21 years of age.